Around a year ago, I made the catastrophic mistake of going to my hairdresser, sitting in the chair and asking for a bob. I still actually question my mental health during this period of time. Moving on. Ever since exactly 2 seconds prior to my gorgeous long hair being cut off, I knew I needed it back. So project hair growth commenced, and thus I became more interested in products that would help me achieve this, and fast. Taaa Daaaaa, here it is, my kick ass hair regime to help promote healthy hair!

In the shower: On the odd occasion I may use a pre wash treatment, I really enjoy the hot oil capsules from VO5 if you are on the lookout for some, but more than usual I will just jump into the shower and use my John Frieda, Brilliant Brunette Shampoo and Conditioner, yet these 3 products are my special wash treatments I use throughout the week. The Bumble and Bumble Sunday Shampoo, is a clarifying shampoo, which keeping true to its title I use once a week on a Sunday it helps diminish any product build up, especially around the roots and gives your hair a really deep clean. I wouldn't say this is ESSENTIAL, however I have noticed a difference since using it, and Mondays are never bad hair days after using this bad boy. The next two products are hair conditioning treatments, following the clarifying shampoo I try and put the moisture back in my hair. I have two options here, the John Frieda full repair, which is a great option, for strengthening the ends of your hair and helping create a shine barrier. Yet I am a sucker for a simple dollop of coconut oil, this moisturises like no other, put it on before a bath, allow it to sit on the hair for around half an hour, read a book, listen to music, you know the score and then simply wash off! I'll let you see the results for yourself.
Out of the shower: After I've got out of the shower and towel dried my hair, I move onto my post wash treatments. Firstly I run through my protein treatment from Redken. 'Anti Snap' from the Extreme range is one of the best hair products I have ever invested in, its a leave in treatment for distressed and damaged hair, full of protein, it strengthens the hair by using a blend of proteins which ultimately will help your hair a)not to snap off and break and b)become stronger, healthier resulting in growth. 3 times a week I will use this 'Ciment Thermique' from Kerastase. This you may have heard of, as its a hugely hyped product in the blogging world. This is basically a heat protect serum for your hair, why pay £40 for it I hear you ask? BECAUSE, this protection lasts up to 3 - 6 washes. So, after you run this through your hair after wash one, you wont need to apply it again until wash 4, wash 5 or wash 6 (depending on your preference)This needs to be on ever GHD lovers Christmas list, the least you can do for your hair if you are lover of a blow dry is protect it efficiently otherwise your hair growth will be stunted. Lastly, holy grail product; Moroccan Oil. I will not dwell upon this for too long, but it is incredible. My hair has never been healthier, softer and more manageable since I have religiously started using this. Use it in dry or wet hair and then resist the urge to stroke your hair all day! Brilliant!

Everyday: Two products I really recommend for maintaining your hair are these two pretty things. (I'm guessing you can tell I like animal print. Guilty) I love using dry shampoo, when I spoke to my stylist about how I could make my hair grow as quick as possible he advised me to wash it no more than 3/4 times a week, washing your hair can strip the hair and scalp of its natural oils and its those natural oils that help it stay moisturised healthy and grow! Between washes I rely entirely upon the power of Batiste and the illusion of the freshly washed hair to get through! Finally, a 'Tangle teezer'! These little bad boys are perfect for safely brushing your hair, wet and dry, whilst avoiding pulling chunks of it out. Perfect for throwing in your bag on the go, I always rely on this, and along with a wide toothed comb, always trust these to help manage any knots and bumps. These come in every different colour and are sold at most Boots nationwide! Go and get one girlies.
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